• In production
  • Admin Configuration of Tempo Importer for JSM Assets

    1-Object Types

    Under the Admin Tab, you will find the option to select the Object Types that you would like to import. By default, all of them are enabled. Please update them and disable them if they don’t add value to your Organization’s use cases.


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    2- Settings

    This setting allows you to modify how data is retrieved from Tempo APIs. The default settings are generally sufficient for most users. Adjusting these values can potentially speed up your imports; however, it can also lead to memory or runtime errors, especially when processing a large number of worklogs. For customers with over 2000 Tempo users, we are eager to collaborate to fine-tune these settings to better meet your needs.

    Pro Tip: It is advisable to maintain the Team Batch Size at a level significantly smaller than the membership batch size, ideally aiming for a difference of 10 times or even 20 times. Failing to do so may result in certain members not being imported correctly.


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    3- Worklog Settings

    The worklog settings are utilized to modify the process of importing worklogs, and they have an impact on which worklog data is imported.

    a. Updated

    This is the default setting and imports the workload data that were updated in the last x days regardless of when they were created.


    b. Recorded - Date range

    This configuration is designed for the purpose of importing data within a specified date range. It should be exclusively utilized for importing pre-existing data, and once the import process is finished, it's essential to restore the application to its original settings regarding "Updated/Recorded in the last x days". Failure to do so may result in redundant data being imported, regardless of whether daily or hourly imports are employed.

    Pro Tip: If there is a substantial volume of worklogs, it's advisable to restrict this import to 1 or 2 months in order to prevent potential import failures.



    c. Recorded - Until now.

    The workload data created within the last x days will be imported using this process. Any updated data that were not created within the last x days will not be included in the import.