
Our Applications aim to provide quick solutions for every organization using Atlassian Solutions. We develop our applications to run on the Forge Platform with the following principles:


  • Operational Excellence:

    • Perform operations as code

    • Make frequent, small, reversible changes

    • Refine operations procedures frequently

    • Anticipate failure

    • Learn from all operational failures

  • Security

    • Implement a strong identity foundation

    • Enable traceability

    • Apply security at all layers

    • Automate security best practices

    • Protect data in transit and at rest

    • Keep people away from data

    • Prepare for security events

  • Reliability

    • Automatically recover from failure

    • Test recovery procedures

    • Scale horizontally to increase aggregate workload availability

    • Stop guessing capacity

    • Manage change in automation

  • Performance Efficiency

    • Democratize advanced technologies

    • Go global in minutes

    • Use serverless architectures

    • Experiment more often

    • Consider mechanical sympathy

  • Cost Optimization

    • Implement cloud financial management

    • Adopt a consumption model

    • Measure overall efficiency

    • Stop spending money on undifferentiated heavy lifting

    • Analyze and attribute expenditure

  • Sustainability

    • Understand your impact

    • Establish sustainability goals

    • Maximize utilization

    • Anticipate and adopt new, more efficient hardware and software offerings

    • Use managed services

    • Reduce the downstream impact of your cloud workloads


Reference: The 6 Pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework