Admin Configuration of Okta Importer for JSM Assets

1-Object Types

Under the Admin Tab, you will find the option to select the Object Types that you would like to import. By default, all of them are enabled. Please update them and disable them if they don’t add value to your Organization’s use cases.

2- Assign Custom Attributes

Okta provides great flexibility for organizations that need to add custom attributes to their user profiles. Since the names of these attributes are not known until they are created, we created a new configuration located on the Admin Tab so that you can easily list the most favorite 10 Custom Attributes that you would like to sync to JSM Assets. Please fill in the text fields and click save.

Please fill the values according to the API friendly names of the attribute. For example: Instead of “Location”, use “location”.

The Attribute names for the “People” Object Type will be “Custom Attribute 1-10”. You may rename them as you wish.


Okta Custom Field Config.png


The 10th custom field is reserved for a predefined reference to the People Object Type. In case you have manager email, manager employee number, manager user id you can use this attribute to map to the People object of the manager. Once you click the save button, you need to update the Object Mapping AQL. By default it is:

"Primary Email" = ${customAttribute10}

As an example: In case you have the employee number of the manager in your custom fields, then you can update the AQL as:

"Employee Number" = ${customAttribute10}


3- Search People


In some cases, you would like to filter the Okta records for People. Some example cases can be listed as follows:

  • You have an extensive “People” database, but you don’t need all of them.

  • You want to synchronize inactive People. (Inactive records are, by default, hidden)

  • You are using your Okta for multiple departments or countries and would like to specify which must be synchronized.

  • … you may have many more reasons to filter the data from your Okta.

 Now, you can add a search parameter for your People (User) records under the Admin tab.

The search parameter needs to be formatted according to Okta API requirements. Some examples are below. Please refer to the Okta API documentation for more details.





Import only the ACTIVE Users.

search=status eq "ACTIVE"

Import only the ACTIVE or PROVISIONED Users

search=status eq "ACTIVE" or status eq "PROVISIONED"

Import all the users including the users having status of DEPROVISIONED

search=status pr

Import users with a specified User Type ID eq "otyfnjfba4ye7pgjB0g4"

Import only Engineering department

search=profile.department eq "Engineering"

Filter the users who are in Engineering department and having a specified User Type ID

search=profile.department eq "Engineering" and eq "otyfnjfba4ye7pgjB0g4"