Handling long text values

Handling long text values

While importing data from external systems to JSM Assets, in some cases, you may have source data exceeding the length of the destination object type attribute.

For example, Entra ID Importer for JSM Assets imports the list of applications into JSM Assets. The Applications object type has an attribute called Publisher. For some applications (i.e., ReaderNotificationClient and AcrobatNotificationClient), the publisher description is longer than 255 characters, which is the limit for a text type attribute.

Workaround 1:

The JSM Assets Import engine has a nice feature that allows you to set some validation checks for the incoming data. For example, you can set the Regular Expression field as follows:


This will cut the first 255 characters of the incoming data and help you import it. Please note that you shouldn't use this method if you need the full value. Here are the steps:

1- Open Object Schema Configuration

2- Select the Import tab

3- Expand the mapping of your import configuration.

4- Edit the Regular Expression for the Publisher attribute under Applications. (see below as an example)



Workaround 2:

The JSM Assets module has the “Text Area” attribute to store larger text values. You can change it from text to text area if you like. Changing the attribute type has pros and cons:


  • You will have applications imported properly.


  • You will not be able to use the publisher information in an AQL. Text Areas are not supported in AQLs because they are not indexed.

  • When you upgrade our application in the future, the new mapping may conflict with your change. This can cause the upgrade to fail.