Adding Device Types for Intune Devices

Our applications replicate the source database according to the source data model. Since Intune doesn’t have a device type property, our schema doesn’t include the types either.

There is a workaround for this, as follows, without changing our object schema structure.

Note: Changing the auto generated object schema structure would break our import mapping and result in the imports failing. This also leaves your licensed software out of our support scope.


1- Create two new object types: “Device Types” and “Device Models

2- Create your device types as objects in the Device Types object type. For example:




Mobile Phone



3- Add one attribute to “Device Models” for “Device Type” and create a reference to “Device Types” object type. Add the models and map them to the device types.


Device Type


Device Type

iPhone 12

Mobile Phone

Macbook Pro


You need to keep the device models table up to date manually.


4- Now, you can add one new attribute to the “Managed Devices” object type for “Device Type” as a reference to the “Device Types” object type.

5- You can create an automation rule that runs every hour and checks if there are any “Managed Devices” without a “Device Type”. If it finds objects, it can update the “Device Type” property according to the “Device Models” object type.


In summary, you can have a new attribute showing the type of the device. This would help you to provide better Assets custom field filtering for your portal customers. For example, you may have an Assets custom field showing the list of Device Types and then a second Assets custom field showing the devices filtered according to the first custom field.


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