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How to Use the Filter

The Filter enables users to filter a dataset based on a human-readable filter string. This tool allows for dynamic and complex filtering by specifying conditions and logical operators like and and or.

Here is a detailed guide on how to use the filter function, specifically using the dataset fields provided as examples:

Filter String Format

The filter string should consist of conditions and logical operators (and, or).


A condition specifies:

  1. Field: The name of the field in the dataset you want to filter (e.g., id, deviceName, userDisplayName).

  2. Operator: The comparison or matching operator (e.g., eq, gt, contains).

  3. Value: The value you want to compare, enclosed in single (') or double (") quotes.

Example Condition:

deviceName startsWith 'iPhone'

Logical Operators

  1. and: Combines multiple conditions where all conditions must be true.

  2. or: Combines multiple conditions where at least one condition must be true.

Note: You can use either and or or in a single filter but not both at the same time.

Supported Operators





Field is equal to the value

complianceState eq 'Compliant'


Field is not equal to the value

jailBroken ne 'Yes'


Field is greater than the value

lastSyncDateTime gt '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z'


Field is less than the value

freeStorageSpaceInBytes lt 500000


Field is greater than or equal to the value

totalStorageSpaceInBytes ge 64000000


Field is less than or equal to the value

managementCertificateExpirationDate le '2023-12-31T23:59:59Z'


The field contains the value (for strings)

userDisplayName contains 'Smith'


The field starts with the value (for strings)

deviceName startsWith 'Android'


The field ends with the value (for strings)

emailAddress endsWith ''


Find Devices Managed by a Specific User:

userDisplayName eq 'John Doe'

Find Devices Last Synced After a Specific Date:

lastSyncDateTime gt '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z'

Find Devices with a Specific Operating System and Compliant State:

operatingSystem eq 'iOS' and complianceState eq 'Compliant'

Find Devices Registered in Azure AD or Supervised Devices:

azureADRegistered eq 'Yes' or isSupervised eq 'Yes'

Find Devices with Free Storage Below 1GB:

freeStorageSpaceInBytes lt 1000000000

Key Rules

  1. Case Sensitivity:

    • Field names and string comparisons are case-sensitive. Ensure your field names and values match the case in the dataset.


    • Use single (') or double (") quotes to enclose values.

  3. Logical Operators:

    • You cannot mix and and or in the same filter.

  4. Empty Filter String:

    • If the filter string is empty or null, the function returns the original dataset.

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