Jira Connection Configuration
Our application leverages Jira Rest API for programmatic access while updating Object Schema, Object Type, and Attribute configurations of JSM Assets.
You need help from a Jira Administator for the steps on this page.
1- Create a Jira Admin User that you will use in the application. I.e. jira_bot@example.com
2- Ensure the user has a JSM Agent License, too.
3- Login with the bot user and create an API Token. (How to…)
4- Fill in the User Email (jira_bot@example.com) and Jira Access Token for Jira Connection Settings.
5- Jira Service Management Site Name is the first part of your Jira Cloud application URL. For example, if your base URL is https://site-name.atlassian.net, please only enter your "site-name" as shown below.
6- Click “Save & Check Connection”
Schema Selection Configuration
You have two options in this section. You may create a new Object Schema or use an existing one.
Pro tip: We recommend creating a new Object Schema and storing Salesforce related data separately. This way you will be able to set roles only for the necessary users or groups. Remember that the imported data will include personal data. Follow the guidance from your organization on this matter.
Option 1:
Fill in the fields. For example:
Object Schema Name: Salesforce
Object Scham Key: SAL
Description: Auto-generated Salesforce data.
and click the button.
Option 2:
Select an existing Object Schema and click the button.
In case you already have the same Object Types in your existing schema, we will inform you and expect them to be updated before moving forward.
Pro tip: Either you chose Option 1 or 2, make sure that you remove the default values from the Object Schema Roles menu. It should look like the following.
Then, only add the relevant users, groups, or apps.
Import Token Configuration
To import a large amount of data into JSM Assets, you must generate a key that allows the application to securely transfer the data (more info).
Please add the Import Token for your External Import configuration in Assets.
1- Click on the Import URL link and configure the import configuration. (You may find it in the Schema Selection Configuration section.)
2- Select the “Import” tab. Click on the “Create Import” button.
3- Select “External Import” and click “Next”.
4- Fill in the Name and Description fields.
Name: Salesforce (CRM) Importer for JSM Assets
Description: Data is imported from Salesforce CRM automatically.
5- Click on the 3 dots (…) and select “Generate new token”.
6- Copy the token.
7- Paste the token to the Import Token field in Import Token Configuration and click “Save Import Token”
8- Now, it is time to import.