Jira Connection Configuration
2- Make sure that the user has a JSM Agent License, too.
3- Login with the bot user and create an API Token. (How to…)
Info |
In case the user is an external user then you need to enable API access for the external user first. You may find the related Atlassian Documentation below: https://support.atlassian.com/security-and-access-policies/docs/set-api-token-access/ |
4- Fill in the User Email (jira_bot@example.com), and Jira Access Token for Jira Connection Settings.
5- Jira Service Management Site Name is the first part of your Jira Cloud application URL. For example, if your base URL is https://site-name.atlassian.net Please just enter your "site-name" below.
6- Click “Save & Check Connection”
Schema Selection Configuration
Description: Auto-generated Azure AD data.
and click the button.
Option 2:
Select an existing Object Schema and click the button.
2- Select the “Import” tab. Click on the “Create Import” button.
3- Select “External Import” and click “Next”.
4- Fill in the Name and Description fields.
5- Click on 3 dots (…) and select “Generate new token”.
6- Copy the token.
7- Paste the token to the Import Token field in Import Token Configuration and click “Save Import Token”
8- Now, it is time to import.