Note: You can use either and
or or
in a single filter but not both at the same time.
Supported Operators
Operator | Description | Example |
eq | Field is equal to the value | country eq 'US' |
ne | Field is not equal to the value | status ne 'inactive' |
gt | Field is greater than the value | createdAt gt '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z' |
lt | Field is less than the value | age lt 30 |
ge | Field is greater than or equal to the value | age ge 18 |
le | Field is less than or equal to the value | age le 65 |
contains | Field contains the value (for strings) | displayName contains 'Admin' |
startsWith | Field starts with the value (for strings) | displayName startsWith 'John' |
endsWith | Field ends with the value (for strings) | email endsWith '@example.com' |
isEmpty | Field is empty (null, undefined, or empty string) | email isEmpty |
isNotEmpty | Field is not empty | email isNotEmpty |
Find Users Whose Display Name Starts with "John":